A defect in the appearance of your products, FILAB helps you to solve this problem

You want to solve an aspect defect problem

First of all, the resolution of an appearance defect can involve several types of problem. Indeed, an appearance defect can be caused by a colour change or a surface condition problem.

Appearance problems can occur on all types of matrix: textile, food, cosmetics, metal parts, etc…

The change in colour of a product can be caused by a change in environmental parameters: temperature, pH, etc. A change in colour of a product can also be triggered by the appearance of pollution which can involve particulate contamination mechanisms or oxidation mechanisms. Corrosion, more generally, is a phenomenon of colour change indicating the alteration of a material.

Indeed, the surface of a material is a vulnerable zone where many interactions with its environment take place. Consequently, the surface condition conditions the performance of the material. Wear, corrosion, adhesion, etc. result from the physico-chemical properties of surfaces and interfaces and can impact on its reliability, stability and strength in the long and short term.

Thus, solving an appearance problem involves studying the parameters of the appearance itself but also requires understanding what this problem says about the product itself (indicative of corrosion, wear, contamination, poor chemical composition, etc.). Only a laboratory with state-of-the-art analytical equipment and R&D capabilities can provide the necessary skills to solve an appearance problem.

FILAB assists you in solving aspect ratio problems

With an analytical park of 2,100m² and a team dedicated to particle analysis, the FILAB laboratory offers you support services for the study and development of your nanoparticle-based products. For the analysis of size and shape distribution of nanoparticles according to ISO 19749 FILAB has two SEMs.

The positive aspects of FILAB

  • A highly qualified team

  • Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests

  • A complete analytical park of 2100m²

  • Tailor-made support

Thomas ROUSSEAU Scientific and Technical Director
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