Are you experiencing odour problems with your products? The FILAB laboratory can help you solve your odour problems.

You want to solve a problem with the smell of a product

First of all, the causes of odour problems in a product can be multiple.

The appearance of undesirable odours or the absence of the desired odour may be directly caused by a problem in the chemical composition of the product. It is then necessary to identify the volatile compounds and gases present in order to determine the nature and origin of these odours.

The appearance of undesirable odours can also be triggered by the conditions in which the product is located: temperature, pressure, pH, etc. Indeed, changes in these parameters can cause the emission of gases and volatile compounds resulting in the appearance of odours.

Moreover, since odours are the manifestation of the presence of gases and volatile compounds, their nature must be analysed in order to assess their toxicity. Indeed, a product odour problem provides information on the phenomena at work in the product: bacteriological development, oxidation, external contamination, alteration of the chemical composition, etc.

Odour problems can occur in a wide variety of matrices: cosmetics, foodstuffs, paints, varnishes, pharmaceutical products, etc.

Therefore, only a laboratory with state-of-the-art analytical equipment and strong R&D capabilities is able to implement the necessary skills to solve a product odour problem.

FILAB helps you solve product odour problems

Through our three levels of services: analysis, expertise and R&D support, FILAB assists companies from all sectors in solving product odour problems. FILAB provides its clients with the know-how and experience of its team, as well as a 2100m² analytical park equipped with state-of-the-art equipment.

The positive aspects of FILAB

  • A highly qualified team

  • Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests

  • A complete analytical park of 2100m²

  • Tailor-made support

Thomas ROUSSEAU Scientific and Technical Director
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