FTIR chemical analysis

Your needs : to characterize a sample using FTIR spectroscopy analysis

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy – or FTIR for short – is an analytical technique which is used to obtain an absorption spectrum when analyzing a sample that can be a solid, a liquid or a gas. FTIR is a non-destructive test as it simply measures the amount of light absorbed by a sample depending on the wave length of the infrared light being shone on it.

When coupled to other analytical techniques such as TGA, NMR or even chromatography, FTIR can be used for :

  • Determining the nature of a polymer or of an additive
  • Characterizing a deposit or a pollutant
  • Studying the changes a material undergoes over time (oxidation, migration, state change …) 

Our solution : to make our knowledge and skills relating to FTIR spectroscopy available you and to assist you in interpreting your results

FILAB, being specialized in both chemical analysis and material characterization, has the necessary expertise and specific equipment to assist companies in better understanding the materials they use.

Using FTIR spectroscopy coupled to other cutting-edge techniques, FILAB can offer the following services :

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As an independent laboratory, with a team made up of doctors and experienced engineers, FILAB guarantees the reliability of its results, ensures a fast processing time of requests and offers personalized support for all its customers.

Infrared spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR or irtf spectroscopy) are two analytical techniques used to identify the structure of a molecule by analysing its infrared radiation spectrum. The difference between these two techniques is that in conventional infrared spectroscopy, the absorption bands of the sample are measured directly, whereas in FTIR spectroscopy, an interferometer is used to measure the frequencies at which the sample absorbs energy. This allows FTIR analysis to provide more detailed information about molecular composition and structure than traditional infrared spectroscopy. In addition, FTIR analysis can be used on samples with a lower concentration of molecules than conventional infrared spectroscopy.

Infrared spectroscopy is a powerful tool for determining the exact structure of organic molecules in a wide range of applications. It can be used to identify unknown compounds, quantify mixtures, detect contaminants, determine reaction mechanisms and monitor reactions in real time. Infrared spectroscopy is commonly used in areas such as pharmaceuticals, food science, petrochemicals and environmental testing. By comparing the absorption spectrum of a sample with that of a known compound or reference library, it is possible to identify unknown compounds, even when they are present at very low concentrations. FTIR spectroscopy provides even more detailed information than traditional infrared spectroscopy and allows researchers to study structure-activity relationships within complex samples.

Thomas ROUSSEAU Scientific and Technical Director
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