Laboratory analysis of luxury goods

Your needs : to design luxury products using high quality materials.

Major brands, manufacturers and subcontractors in the luxury industry are all subject to common priorities and requirements : the pursuit of zero defects, higher production speed, better assembly reliability and the use of high-quality, durable materials.

In order to meet these challenges specific to the luxury industry, inspection of the materials used is an essential step. Several factors can affect the life cycle of a luxury product :

  • Defective raw materials
  • Non-conforming raw materials
  • Appearance of defects in the final product
  • Problems in the suppliers’ production process leading to delays in delivery
  • etc.

For assistance with these industrial challenges you are searching for a reliable, independent laboratory with high added technical value.

Our solution : to offer tailored assistance to luxury industrialists by combining analytics, expertise and counselling on the design of their products.

FILAB laboratory being specialized in analysis and material characterization, has been assisting luxury industrialists in designing and inspecting their products using analytical techniques specific to their needs.

Based on experience and its state-of-the-art analytical equipment, FILAB has a wide range of accurate and reliable tools at its disposal to provide the following services :





Emmanuel BUIRET
Emmanuel BUIRET Technical Sales Representative
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