GC-MS analysis in a laboratory

Your needs : to analyze your material or your substance using GC-MS test

What is GC-MS analysis ?

Analysis using Gas Chromatography coupled to a Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS) is used to separate different volatile and semi-volatile compounds from a mixture and to quantitatively, semi-quantitatively or qualitatively analyze samples.

Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) is applicable for analyzing samples in liquid, gaseous, or solid states.

This technique is particularly adapted for analyzing non-polar volatile compounds such as residual solvents, oils, hydrocarbons, alkane derivatives, small organic molecules like phthalates…

Our solution : to provide you gc-ms analysis services and assistance in understanding your results

GC MS analysis services

For over 30 years, our laboratory has had the experience and specific analytical fleet needed to assist various companies with GC-MS analysis of their formulas, polymer and composite materials, with tailored support.

There are complementary analysis modules for analyzing larger volatile and semi-volatile  substances 

– Headspace analysis coupled to GC-MS

– Thermal desorption analysis coupled to GC-MS

From analysis to R&D, FILAB laboratory provides multidisciplinary expertise to fulfill different requests relating to thermal analysis :


These methods are useful in as part of various chemical or materials analyses : 

Why FILAB as GC MS laboratory?

As an independent laboratory, with a team made up of experienced doctors and engineers, FILAB guarantees the reliability of its results, ensures a quick turnaround for requests and provides tailored support for its clients.

CLI chromatographie ionique

The positive aspects of FILAB

  • A highly qualified team

  • Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests

  • A complete analytical park of 2100m²

  • Tailor-made support


Thomas ROUSSEAU Scientific and Technical Director
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