BET specific surface area measurements and analysis

What is a specific surface area measurement ?

The specific surface area of a material distinguishes its “real” surface area from its “apparent” surface area. Real surface area is the total area per unit of mass and is measured in m²/g.

The different techniques used to measure specific surface area fall into three main categories :

  • The Gas Adsorption methods (measurement of the amount of gas molecules adsorbed into one or multiple layers on a solid)

  • The Physical methods (X-rays, radioactivity, adsorption heat…)

  • The Liquid Adsorption methods (fatty acids, coloring…)

How is specific surface area measured ?

Among these analytical techniques, the gas adsorption determination technique described by Brunauer, Emmet and Teller, known as “the BET method” or “the BET technique” is by far the most widespread technique of this type.

Precise and easily reproduced, the technique consists in determining le quantity of gas needed to form a monomolecular layer around a solid sample. With the dimensions of molecules being unique to each gas, it is possible to determine the total surface area of the solid.

BET measurements here at FILAB

FILAB can offer analytical services specific to your samples to measure their specific surface area.

We are equipped with a new BET machine which allows us to reliably and quickly measure the specific surface area of various materials.

FILAB can also offer other analytical services, all with high added value :

Our analytical services

Discover the analytical and measurement techniques we have here at FILAB by clicking here

Thomas ROUSSEAU Scientific and Technical Director
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