Do you have a material defect? FILAB can help you solve your problem
You want to solve material defect problems
First of all, material problems can be of a very varied nature. Indeed, material problems are caused by one or more defects that can be of any type and occur on any type of matrix, whether liquid or solid. The FILAB laboratory can help you solve material defect problems.
These problems may involve oxidation, impurities, adhesion, appearance, odour or colour change.
Therefore, only a laboratory with state-of-the-art analytical equipment and R&D capabilities is able to provide the necessary skills to solve problems for the material.
FILAB helps you solve material defect problems
With its wealth of experience, the FILAB laboratory puts the expertise of its doctors and engineers as well as its state-of-the-art analytical equipment at your service, and provides you with various technical resources and services to solve problems concerning material defects.