Analysis of materials by dilatometry in the laboratory

You want to analyze your materials by dilatometry?

What is dilatometry?

First, dilatometry is a thermal analysis technique. It is a method used to measure the expansion of an object as a function of temperature and pressure.

Indeed, the sample and a support are introduced into an oven where they are subjected to different temperature and pressure programs.

Moreover, this method is used to test a wide range of materials including :

  • ceramics
  • glasses
  • polymers
  • metals, etc…

Why analyze your materials by dilatometry?

First of all, the analysis of your materials by dilatometry allows to obtain several information on your materials, such as:

  • The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) or contraction
  • The softening point (SP)
  • The glass transition temperature (Tg)

Thus, dilatometry, moreover, to predict the limits of applications of your products and to understand the behavior of your materials.

The FILAB laboratory assists you in the analysis of your materials by dilatometry

Through our three levels of services: analysis, expertise and R&D support, FILAB assists companies of all sectors in the analysis of materials by dilatometry.

FILAB provides its customers with the know-how and experience of its team, as well as a 2100m² analytical park with state-of-the-art equipment.

In addition, FILAB has significant experience in the implementation of dilatometry analysis and the development of specific methods. 

To go further

  • Study of defects and fracture surfaces

  • Study of morphological failures (porosity, roughness,...)

  • Analysis and expertise of failures: corrosion mechanisms, wear and premature aging phenomena, cracks, breakage...

  • Measurement of galvanization thicknesses

  • Characterization of surface defects: adhesion problems, identification of residual pollution (lubricants, detergent residues, etc.)

  • Welding control

  • Study and expertise of polymerization and cross-linking defects of varnishes, paints, polymers...

  • Expertise pollution deposit

The positive aspects of FILAB

  • A highly qualified team

  • Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests

  • A complete analytical park of 2100m²

  • Tailor-made support

Thomas GAUTIER Head of Materials Department
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