Laboratory for the analysis of breakage and fracture on materials

As an industrialist you wish to carry out a breakage analysis on metal parts

The phenomena of breakage or fracture of metal parts occur when the stresses that the parts undergo exceed the resistance to breakage of the materials from which they are made. It is therefore important to know as much as possible about this last property which depends on various factors: temperature, deformation speed, environment of use…

Each part breakage has a specific face allowing to identify the cause and the origin of the breakage: it is the fractography which constitutes the art of analyzing the broken surface of the broken parts. Its purpose is to know the mechanism of the material failure (ductile, fragile, intergranular, fatigue, …) and to understand how and why the part broke.

Breakage analysis on metal parts: a specific expertise of FILAB laboratory

The FILAB laboratory puts its knowledge and expertise at your disposal to carry out audits on your production sites in order to understand the problems of breakage and fracture that you encounter. We offer tailor-made support according to your fractographic analysis needs following the breakage of a metal part in order to provide you with concrete and sustainable solutions.

The FILAB laboratory also offers the following services to industrialists

  • Study of fracture surfaces
  • Salt spray aging test
  • Study of wear and premature aging phenomena
  • Characterization of defects, degradation, surface morphology and adhesion problems
  • Hardness measurement
  • Support in the choice of materials

The positive aspects of FILAB

  • A highly qualified team

  • Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests

  • A complete analytical park of 2100m²

  • Tailor-made support

Thomas GAUTIER Head of Materials Department
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