SELVIUM, a product of FILAB research

FILAB provides analysis and expertise, but also numerous R&D projects carried out in collaboration with our industrial clients. This was notably the case for this analysis kit, developed by FILAB in a substitution context following the banning of a harmful product. Today, SELVIUM is produced and marketed by our sister company, COVALSENS.

What is SELVIUM?

SELVIUM is a salt remanence measurement kit for road and motorway network managers, developed in collaboration with Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhône and our sister company COVALSENS. 

It is used to facilitate decision-making on road salting campaigns through a diagnosis of the quantity of salt still present, and to validate the level of road protection according to air temperatures (protection at -10° and -15°).

Thanks to these three pipettes pre-filled with solution (White test, -10°C test and -15°C test), the operation reveals in a few seconds the Chloride (salt) content still present on your pavement, thanks to a specific color code.c


Certified non CMR, this product is part of an ecological and safe approach for your employees. It also allows you to optimize your outings and therefore your salt consumption in case of doubt.

Easy and quick to use, SELVIUM facilitates the decision making process for your salting operations and accompanies your teams throughout the winter period.

A new extension to accommodate COVALSENS' activities

In order to develop the production of the SELVIUM kit and to accommodate the activities of COVALSENS, an extension of the laboratory of 600m² was built on the Mazen Sully Park in Dijon. The objective is to offer our customers better reactivity, higher production capacities and dedicated contacts to take care of your requests.

To learn more about our analysis kit, contact us via !

The positive aspects of FILAB

  • A highly qualified team

  • Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests

  • A complete analytical park of 2100m²

  • Tailor-made support

Thomas ROUSSEAU Scientific and Technical Director
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