As an industrialist you wish to analyze the chloroform present in your products
What is chloroform?
Chloroform (or trichloromethane) is a halogenated hydrocarbon. It materializes as a colorless, highly volatile liquid.
In the environment, chloroform has a tendency to escape into the atmosphere because of its high volatility and its low adsorption capacity. Its natural origins are mainly seawater and rock transformation.
Chloroform is currently used :
In the manufacture of chlorofluorinated hydrocarbons (Teflon for example)
In the extraction of essential oils and alkaloids
In the extraction of antibiotics, hormones, nicotine, quinine, vitamins… in the pharmaceutical industry
As a solvent and purification agent in the plastics industry
As an anesthetic
Note that chloroform is registered in the register of chemical substances Reach, with a ban on the marketing of mixtures in concentrations equal to or greater than 0.1% by weight and is part of the list of substances banned in cosmetic products by Regulation (EC) 2009/1223 on these products.
FILAB laboratory assists manufacturers in the analysis of chloroform in their products
Chloroform analysis techniques
With more than 30 years of experience in the analysis sector, FILAB laboratory has innovative technical means and a team of quality experts. FILAB laboratory can help you solve your problems related to the presence of chloroform in your products thanks to the following services