Laboratory determination of heavy metal content in recycled glass (PCR glass)

Are you looking to verify the compliance of your samples of PCR glass ?

The luxury goods and cosmetics industries are using more and more bottles made of recycled glass (Post-Consumer Recycled) as alternatives to bottles made of non-recyclable plastic. Glass can be fully recycled; however, it is crucial to monitor the quality of the recycled glass. FILAB is able to determine the heavy metal content in recycled glass (PCR).

Heavy metals have a particular toxicological profile (Mercury, Lead, Titanium…) and their use is highly regulated. Industrial companies are under obligation to determine the heavy metal content in recycled glass.

FILAB laboratory, specialized in the determination of heavy metal content in recycled glass, is able to assist you with your analytical needs

FILAB laboratory is able to provide you with its expertise and its cutting-edge analytical fleet (ICP-MS, ICP-AES, AAS, Mercury Amalgamator) for the determination of heavy metals in recycled glass : Lead, Mercury, Arsenic, Cadmium, Nickel, Antimony…

For over 30 years, our laboratory has been providing many services for the analysis of heavy metals, namely in glass matrices :


  • Determination and screening of trace amounts of heavy metals found in recycled glass by ICP-MS or ICP-AES

  • Analysis of heavy metals in raw materials used in cosmetics by ICP-MS : natural mica sericites, metal oxides (titanium oxide, zinc oxide, iron oxide…), talc, clay…

  • Analysis of elemental impurities by ICP in accordance with the USP 233 in pharmaceutical products (ICH Q3D)

  • Analytical development and validation by ICP-MS and ICP-AES

  • Determination of heavy metals or catalytic trace elements in glass packaging materials

  • Quantitative analysis of heavy metals in finished cosmetic products by ICP-MS : lipstick, eye shadow, mascara, eyeliner…

  • Mercury analysis using an amalgamator

Clément BOENARD Head of Inorganic Chemistry Department
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