Analysis and expertise laboratory

Optimize the performance of your polymer materials

By a better knowledge of their physico-chemical properties...

Do you have incomplete SDSs and want to know more about the identity of your polymers? Thanks to a wide range of analytical tools, FILAB offers polymer deformulation services in order to check and verify the compliance of your polymers with a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) or a technical data sheet.

For this purpose, FILAB implements a number of analytical techniques associated with the study of polymers: 

Our analytical techniques

Infrared microscopy (FTIR): identifying the family of a polymer

ICP : research of mineral elements (fillers and additives)

Calorimetric analysis by DSC


GCMS and Pyrolysis GC : search for organic additives

MEB-FEG-EDX : dimensional and morphological observations

Thermal analysis by ATG and ATG-FTIR

By optimizing the polymerization processes

If chemical and structural analysis allow to characterize the nature and the arrangement of the constituent elements of the materials, the thermal characterization of polymeric materials allows to appreciate their behavior according to the temperature.

One of the techniques commonly used to study these thermal properties and their evolution as a function of temperature is differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). DSC allows to measure the heat flux absorbed or released by a sample as a function of temperature or time when it is subjected to a defined temperature profile in a controlled atmosphere.

The fields of application of DSC are very varied. This technique allows in particular to

determine the glass transition, melting or crystallization temperature of a thermoplastic material (according to ISO 11357),

to study the stability of a polymer under oxygen by determining the oxidation induction time TIO (according to the NF EN 728 standard).

quantify the energy required to melt a metal alloy

The expected benefits are multiple: better control of the process, increased productivity and reduced manufacturing costs. DSC is therefore a tool of choice for optimizing polymerization processes related to the use of paints, varnishes, lacquers, etc.

FILAB has significant experience in the implementation of the DSC technique and in the development of specific methods. FILAB can assist you in the characterization and optimization of your polymerization processes.

By accompanying you in your choice of materials...

The choice of raw materials used is an essential step in the development process of a new product using polymer materials. Indeed, the quality and compatibility of the materials used will contribute to the performance of the final product and its good adaptation to its environment. 

The analysis and characterization of materials will allow to anticipate several classic cases of failure or non-conformity: chemical deterioration, swelling, rapid wear, migration, disbonding… By studying the behaviors and properties of each material, the objective is to identify the one that will be the most adapted to the use of the final product and to its environment

The support of an independent analytical laboratory ensures objectivity and technical assistance in this decision making.

For this purpose :

FILAB supports you in :

The control of your raw materials

Bibliographical studies

Process audits

Comparative studies between several subjects.

By developing a substitute product...

The substitution of a hazardous chemical agent present in a polymer formulation is to replace this agent by a substance, mixture or process which, in its conditions of use, is not or is less dangerous for the health or safety of workers. This is a priority area in terms of occupational risk prevention because it eliminates exposure to the hazardous agent in question.

We help our clients to engage in a substitution process (safety, ecology, innovation, time saving ….). FILAB has developed a specific method for this type of need: 

1.       Technical and scientific state of the art following bibliographic research

2.       Proposal of formulations with the substituent

3.       Development of formulations in the laboratory

4.       Performance testing and stability studies

5.       Industrial transposition

6.       Production

7.       Patenting

Do you want to know more? Contact us via

The filab advantages
A highly qualified team
A highly qualified team
Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests
Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests
A COFRAC ISO 17025 accredited laboratory
A COFRAC ISO 17025 accredited laboratory
(Staves available on - Accreditation number: 1-1793)
A complete analytical park of 5,200m²
A complete analytical park of 5,200m²
Tailor-made support
Tailor-made support
Thomas GAUTIER Head of Materials Department
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