Deformulation of silicone in the laboratory

Within the framework of development or optimization projects of an industrial product, you wish to carry out a deformulation of your silicones.

What is a silicone?

A silicone is a polymer (inorganic compound) formed from a silicon-oxygen chain.

A hybrid between rubber and thermoplastic polymer, silicone is used in many fields.

Indeed, silicones have been adopted and adapted in various specialties including the medical field (eg breast prostheses), the food industry (eg cake molds) and are also found in the composition of cosmetic products including shampoos, moisturizers …

Why deform a silicone?

The deformulation of a silicone is a method allowing, with the help of various chemical analysis, to determine the nature and the quantity of its raw materials.

Moreover, it allows to better know the studied material and thus to better apprehend the structural problems of this one but also to characterize its defective quality.

FILAB assists you in the analysis of your silicones by chemical deformulation.

This deformulation analysis approach allows to answer different needs such as

our services

  • Analyze and determine the composition of an unknown silicone

  • Compare the composition of several silicones (double-sourcing or multi-sourcing)

  • Check the conformity to a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) or a technical data sheet of a silicone

  • Analyze and identify a pollution or an impurity in a silicone-based product

our resources

  • FTIR to determine the composition of silicone

  •    GCMS and Py-GCMS to quantify additives, residual monomers, Bisphenol A, phthalates...

  •  SEM/EDX to characterize a particle or a deposit

  • Pyrolysis GC-MS

The positive aspects of FILAB

  • A highly qualified team

  • Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests

  • A complete analytical park of 2100m²

  • Tailor-made support

Anaïs DECAUX Customer Support Manager
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