Training in materials characterization for laboratories

Your teams need training in materials characterization...

What is the principle of material characterization?

Each material has its own characteristics whose properties will govern the performance of the final product. The criteria of choice of a material can intervene on: its chemical nature, its composition, its shape (granulometry, crystallinity, morphology…), its surface state…

The 4 main families of materials are :

  • metallic
  • organic or polymers
  • mineral or ceramic
  • composites

During their life cycle, materials face many external constraints which, in some cases, affect their performance and stability. From the shaping to the exploitation of the final product, it is essential to ensure the conformity of the materials used and to control the risks of failures (cracking, breaking, corrosion…) through :

  • The use of materials compatible with the final use of the product
  • The study of the behavior of the material in various situations
  • The evaluation of the quality and safety level of the material
  • The respect of the regulatory standards associated with the material used

Why train in materials characterization?

The applications of materials analysis are multiple…you will be able to : 


  • Optimize your production processes with more suitable materials

  • Implement reliable and efficient material or product controls.

  • Accurately analyze the causes and remedies for your product and material failures

  • To improve in the interpretation of results. 

The FILAB laboratory's training in materials characterization...

You have just acquired equipment to characterize materials in your laboratory? The competent person(s) are no longer part of your team? Would you like to improve your expertise in materials analysis and results processing?

As an accredited training organization, FILAB supports your teams in the use of materials characterization techniques, whatever your sector of activity.

At FILAB, we develop and offer our customers tailor-made training courses that are in line with your industrial issues or analytical challenges. 

The positive aspects of FILAB

  • A highly qualified team

  • Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests

  • A complete analytical park of 2100m²

  • Tailor-made support

Thomas ROUSSEAU Scientific and Technical Director
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