ICP analysis laboratory for the pharmaceutical industry
The FILAB laboratory has 8 ICPs, including 6 ICP-AES and 2 ICP-MS in its analytical park. This chemical analysis technique enables the following services to be provided to pharmaceutical manufacturers:
Determination of elemental impurities in the framework of the ICHQ3D directive
Quantification of heavy metal traces
Research of residues from substances released by the packaging of the drug (study of extractables and releasables)
Determination of active minerals by ICP such as calcium
Analysis of nanoparticles by Single Particle ICP-MS (SP-ICP-MS)…
Did you know? FILAB is the only laboratory in France accredited ISO 17025 by COFRAC for the analysis of elemental impurities in pharmaceutical matrices. More information : here
The positive aspects of FILAB
A highly qualified team
Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests