Study of cross-linking phenomena on polymeric materials

The phenomenon of cross-linking describes the assembly of polymer chains between them by chemical bonding. The cross-linking process allows the formation of a molecular weight network and the modification of the physico-chemical properties of the initial polymer.

As an industrialist, you wish to optimize or determine the cross-linking rates associated with your polymer products. Our laboratory specialized in polymer analysis and the study of cross-linking processes will help you in this process.

Thermal analysis and study of polymer cross-linking phenomena: a FILAB laboratory expertise

FILAB, a laboratory made up of experts in polymer behavior and analysis, can assist you in your control, expertise or development needs to study the phenomenon of polymer crosslinking. 

Determination of the cross-linking rate by DSC 
Optimization of cross-linking process (time / temperature)
Determination of the polydispersity
Study of the thermal properties of polymers by DSC, ATG, ATG/FTIR,
Study of the chemical composition of polymers by GCMS, ICP, Pyrolysis GCMS, …
Customized training in polymer characterization techniques

Thomas GAUTIER Head of Materials Department
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