Analysis and expertise laboratory

Measurement of the specific surface volume (SSV) in the laboratory

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Accredited laboratory COFRAC ISO 17025

As an industrialist you wish to determine the specific surface volume (SSV) of your materials...

Specific surface area is a key parameter for many materials, whether powders, films or porous structures. It influences essential properties such as reactivity, adhesion and porosity. At FILAB, we put our expertise and cutting-edge technologies at the service of industry to provide accurate VSSA analysis tailored to each material.

What is material specific surface area analysis?

The specific surface area of a material is also known as the SSV or SSA analysis (VSSA: volume specific surface area). This measurement refers to its real surface area as opposed to its apparent surface area.

Analysis of the specific surface area of a material is a measure of the total surface area of a material per unit of mass or volume. It is particularly relevant for porous or divided materials (such as powders, particles, catalysts or adsorbent materials) where the external and internal surface plays a role in their properties and behaviour.

Measuring the specific surface area of materials

Specific surface area is generally expressed in square metres per gram (m²/g) or sometimes in square metres per cubic centimetre (m²/cm³) for solid materials.

It reflects the amount of surface area available for interactions with other substances, such as chemical reactions, adsorption or catalysis.

Why measure the specific surface area of a material in the laboratory?

Material specific surface area analysis, also known as VSSA analysis, is an important measurement that helps to determine the surface finish of a material, and other properties such as chemical reactivity and thermal conductivity.

It also helps determine the amount of particulate matter that can be adsorbed onto the surface of a material, which is crucial in filtration and catalysis applications.

The greater the specific surface area of a material, the more sites are available for chemical reactions or physical interactions.

FILAB can help you measure the volume of specific surface area (VSSA) in the laboratory

FILAB has significant experience in measuring the volume of specific surface area, and can provide you with the support of its teams and its design department.

Our specific surface measurement services

The volume of the specific surface may be necessary for the following expertises: 

Our technical resources for VSSA

Specific surface area is often measured by techniques such as gas adsorption (for example, nitrogen adsorption at low temperature, known as the BET method). FILAB offers BET measurement of specific surface area. The BET method is ideal for fine or porous powders.

Electron microscopy allows the morphology and dimensions of particles to be observed, providing additional information on surface texture.

Laser granulometry coupled with porosimetry is a powerful combination for in-depth analysis of particle size and specific surface area.

Materials covered by the specific surface measurement

Materials such as activated carbons, zeolites, nanoparticles and certain types of catalyst have high specific surface areas, making them useful in a variety of industrial and chemical applications.

Porous materials can also be measured for specific surface area in the laboratory. Specific surface area is strongly influenced by pore size and distribution. Smaller and more numerous pores generally increase the specific surface area.

Specific surface analysis of powders

Why measure the specific surface area of powders?

In many industrial sectors, characterization of the specific surface area of powders is a key step in guaranteeing the performance of materials. Specific surface area has a direct influence on powder properties such as chemical reactivity, adhesion, porosity and dissolution.

Deviations in specific surface area can impact on the quality of finished products, whether it’s the specific surface area of metallic powders, catalysts, paints or battery materials.

The specific surface of powders

Controlling the specific surface area of powders plays an important role in optimising the performance, quality and conformity of industrial products.


Nanomaterials have a high specific surface area, but their performance can vary considerably depending on characteristics such as chemical reactivity, adhesion, absorption, conductivity (thermal and electrical) and stability. An unsuitable surface can lead to undesirable reactions, agglomeration or reduced efficiency in their applications.

Metallic powders

The specific surface of metallic powders influences essential properties such as melting, part density and thermal or electrical conductivity. An inappropriate surface can lead to defects in the parts produced, particularly in additive manufacturing or metallurgy. This analysis is useful in the context of additive manufacturing.

Pharmaceutical powders

The specific surface area of pharmaceutical powders affects the solubility, dissolution rate and bioavailability of active ingredients. An unsuitable surface can alter the efficacy of drugs or cause variations in their release.

Cosmetic powders

The specific surface area of cosmetic powders influences product adhesion, texture and hold. A surface area that is too low can reduce homogeneity during application, while one that is too high can alter the comfort or stability of formulations.

These examples illustrate the importance of controlling the specific surface area of powders to meet the technical and regulatory requirements of each industrial sector. If you would like advice on the type of analysis to use for your powders, please contact us.


What are the industrial applications for specific surface measurement?

Measuring specific surface volume is particularly important for materials whose surface properties play a key role in their performance. Here are some examples of industrial applications where specific surface volume is essential:

  • In the chemical industry, catalysis is a key process. Catalysts with a high specific surface area offer more active sites for chemical reactions, which increases their efficiency.
  • For materials used in the adsorption of contaminants, such as activated carbons, a high specific surface area enables better capture of pollutants.
  • In the manufacture of medicines, the specific surface area of powders can influence the dissolution, absorption and effectiveness of pharmaceutical products.
  • For construction materials such as cement or ceramics, the specific surface area can affect properties such as strength, setting time and durability.
  • In the development of new materials, and the characterization of nanomaterials and materials, specific surface area is a key factor in determining their properties and applications.
Why is specific surface area analysis important?

The analysis of specific surface area makes it possible to understand and optimise certain properties of materials, such as chemical reactivity, adhesion, porosity or solubility. These parameters have a direct impact on the performance and quality of products in sectors such as pharmaceuticals, aeronautics, energy and cosmetics.

What types of materials can be analysed?

Specific surface analysis is applicable to a wide range of materials:

  • Fine powders (metallic, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, nanomaterials).
  • Porous materials (ceramics, catalysts, adsorbents).
  • Films and coatings (to assess their surface texture).
  • Composite particles or technical polymers.
What are the benefits of a specific surface area analysis?

Specific surface analysis carried out in the laboratory can help industries to :

  • Optimise product performance by adjusting properties.
  • Reduce defects and non-conformities in production.
  • Comply with the standards and requirements of an industrial sector.
  • Identify potential savings through better process control.
What volumes of material are needed for the analysis?

The quantity of material required depends on the technique used, but in general a few grams are sufficient for a standard BET analysis. For more specific or rare samples, techniques adapted to microvolumes can be used.

What is the relationship between specific surface area and porosity?

Specific surface area and porosity are closely linked. The pores directly influence the specific surface area by increasing the total accessible surface area.

The smaller the pores, the greater their contribution to the internal surface area, which increases the specific surface area. Similarly, a material with a large number of pores, particularly if they are interconnected and open, offers an internal surface area that is more accessible to gas or liquid molecules. On the other hand, closed pores, which do not allow access, do not contribute to the measurable specific surface area.

So the size, number, connectivity and opening of pores vary the specific surface area of a material. Techniques such as the BET method measure specific surface area, while porosimetry directly analyses pore size and volume, providing a complete understanding of the interactions between these two properties.

The filab advantages
A highly qualified team
A highly qualified team
Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests
Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests
A COFRAC ISO 17025 accredited laboratory
A COFRAC ISO 17025 accredited laboratory
(Staves available on - Accreditation number: 1-1793)
A complete analytical park of 5,200m²
A complete analytical park of 5,200m²
Tailor-made support
Tailor-made support
Anaïs DECAUX Customer Support Manager
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