The Research Tax Credit (RTC) was set up by the government to support companies in the growth of their Research & Development (R&D) activity. Thus, the most innovative companies can be financed up to 30% in their R&D expenses, in the form of refunds or tax reductions.
This tax assistance aims to strengthen the competitiveness of companies by encouraging them to invest in the R&D department (human and material).
Which companies are concerned by the CIR?
The Research Tax Credit is a fiscal aid intended for any type of company, subject to corporate income tax, whatever their size, their sector of activity (industrial, commercial, craft or agricultural) or their organization.
To qualify for the Research Tax Credit, these companies must demonstrate a financial commitment to Research and Development and qualify the nature of their R&D projects according to the regulations in force. The latter distinguishes 3 categories of eligible work:
Fundamental research: theoretical or experimental contribution to the resolution of technical problems
Applied research: application of the results of fundamental research
Experimental research: creation of prototypes or pilot installations.
According to the approval procedure defined by the Ministry of Research, the R&D project must also be based on “the creation or improvement of a product, a process, a program or an equipment presenting an originality or a substantial improvement and not resulting from a simple use of the existing techniques”, in order to be eligible for the CIR.
FILAB laboratory approved by the CIR by the State
FILAB’s approval for the Research Tax Credit has been renewed by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research until 2021. This approval allows our clients to deduct certain R&D* services performed by FILAB from their costs.
From analytical development to bibliographic studies, FILAB offers tailor-made R&D support, with the know-how of its experts. For more information on our R&D support services, contact us at *Please contact us to find out more about the expenses that may be covered by this scheme.
See also…
FILAB accreditations
FILAB: 1st French laboratory accredited ISO 17025 by COFRAC for HCT and COT analysis on medical devices