FILAB laboratory analyzes bisphenol A in your polymer matrices by HPLC-UV

At the end of the 50’s, plastic made its full expansion in the contemporary societies. Lightweight and easy to carry, it quickly became an indispensable daily accessory for many households.

But half a century later, the alarm bells are ringing: plastic may contain hazardous substances that need to be controlled. This is notably the case of Bisphenol A.

In this context, FILAB laboratory explains and offers you a tailor-made support for the analysis of Bisphenol A in your polymers.

Bisphenol A in polymers and its regulation:

First, let’s be clear: Bisphenol A (BPA) is not added as an additive in polymers. BPA is a synthetic chemical used as a monomer in polycarbonate and epoxy resins. But these polycarbonate molecules can degrade, especially in the microwave, and thus release bisphenol.

In 2008, the legislation to ban it was greatly accelerated. In 2012, the law N°2012-1422 (modifying the law N°2010-729) came to suspend the manufacture, import, export, packaging of containers and utensils containing bisphenol A coming into direct contact with foodstuffs in France. At the European level, ECHA has classified it as a “substance of very high concern” and has recommended that it be added to the REACH authorization list. 

As a result, manufacturers are now obliged to control their polymer materials with respect to Bisphenol A before releasing their batches on the market.

How does FILAB support you in the analysis of Bisphenol A in your polymers?

With a laboratory dedicated to polymers, FILAB can assist you in the analysis and determination of hazardous substances in your plastics.

For Bisphenol A research and determination, FILAB has many years of expertise in the development of customized analytical methods, depending on your matrices and their industrial application.

FILAB uses, among others, the HPLC-UV technique (liquid chromatography with UV spectrophotometric detection) after a specific preparation of the sample:

  • Extraction: grinding the sample to extract the Bisphenol A in order to know its content.
  • Leaching: immerse the sample in a solvent in order to know the content of diffusion of the toxic products over a given time.

Why choose FILAB for the determination of Bisphenol A in your polymers?

For many years, FILAB has been offering qualitative analysis and determination of Bisphenol A in polymer matrices. With an analytical park of more than 2100m² and a team of experts dedicated to polymer analysis, FILAB laboratory is committed to providing tailor-made support, according to your needs, for the following services 

… but also on other types of control of substances at risk:

Thomas GAUTIER Head of Materials Department
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