Analysis and expertise laboratory

Laboratory analysis and expertise of glass

More than 120 people
More than 120 people at your service
5200 m² laboratory
5200 m² laboratory + 99% of services are provided in-house
Accredited laboratory
Accredited laboratory COFRAC ISO 17025

As an industrialist, you are looking to analyze your glass materials…

Glass is a material used in various applications and is becoming more and more widespread, hence the growing need for analysis of glass products.

As an industrial in the luxury goods, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, healthcare and food industries, you are regularly confronted with numerous problems relating to the quality of your materials and the apparition of defects in your products or even interactions between a container and its contents.

Regular inspections and chemical analysis before and after a glass product is put on the market will have a positive impact on the quality of the final product.

FILAB laboratory is specialized in the expert analysis of glass

FILAB laboratory, with a team of analysis experts and glass experts, is able to provide you with analytical services applicable all the way from the designing process to the implementation process of a glass product. Relying on extensive experience and a cutting-edge analytical fleet, FILAB is able to use a wide range of tools specific to the glass industry :

FILAB, material laboratory is able to provide the following expertise and analysis services :

  • Custom chemical analysis of glass samples by ICP-MS and ICP-AES
  • Study of container/contents interactions between a fluid and its glass container
  • Material characterization : analysis of the physicochemical, thermal and morphological properties of glass
  • Surface characterization and coating thickness measurement
  • Granulometric analysis of glass
  • Characterization of packaging
  • Study of recycled glass
  • Crystallinity measurement by XRD
  • Laboratory audits and analytical training
The filab advantages
A highly qualified team
A highly qualified team
Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests
Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests
A COFRAC ISO 17025 accredited laboratory
A COFRAC ISO 17025 accredited laboratory
(Staves available on - Accreditation number: 1-1793)
A complete analytical park of 5,200m²
A complete analytical park of 5,200m²
Tailor-made support
Tailor-made support
Anaïs DECAUX Customer Support Manager
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