Saturation vapor pressure measurement by TGA in the laboratory

Chemical analysis Characterization of materials Problem solving

You would like to determine the saturation vapour pressure of a substance by TGA

Saturation vapour pressure (SVP)

Saturation vapor pressure (SVP) is the pressure exerted by the vapor of a liquid in equilibrium with its condensed phase at a given temperature. It is an essential indicator of a compound’s volatility, and plays a key role in assessing its stability and behavior in various industrial applications.

The TGA (Thermogravimetric Analysis) method is a reliable, fast and secure solution for measuring saturation vapor pressure (SVP) under controlled conditions.

What is a TGA analysis?

Thermogravimetric analysis by (TGA) is a technique that measures changes in the mass of a material as a function of temperature. By heating a sample, its weight loss or gain is observed, enabling processes such as decomposition, oxidation or volatilization to be analyzed.

This method is essential for assessing the thermal stability, composition and thermal reactions of materials such as polymers, plastics and paints.

Why use TGA to measure saturation vapor pressure (SVP)?


PVS measurement

Saturated vapour pressure (PVS) measurement by TGA allows :

Evaluate the evaporation behavior of a compound

Predict volatility under conditions of use or storage

Comply with REACH requirements

Optimize formulations in the cosmetics, pharmaceutical and chemical sectors...

The advantages of TGA saturation vapour pressure measurement

TGA saturation vapor pressure measurement offers several significant advantages for the analysis of complex substances.

Firstly, it enables us to work on very small quantities of material, which is particularly useful when the sample is rare, expensive or difficult to produce.

What's more, it offers excellent compatibility with complex matrices, such as cosmetic formulations, polymers or solvent blends, without the need for extensive preparation.

The method is also suitable for sensitive, unstable or hazardous substances, thanks to controlled and safe analysis conditions.

Finally, TGA can be coupled with other techniques such as TGA-FTIR or TGA-MS, enabling precise identification of the volatile compounds released during analysis.

FILAB can help you measure saturation vapour pressure by TGA

Why choose FILAB for TGA saturation vapour pressure measurement?

The FILAB laboratory boasts a full range of analytical equipment. This enables us to support manufacturers in the measurement of saturation vapor pressure by TGA and TGA-FTIR of their materials (polymers, composites, etc.). The FILAB laboratory offers tailor-made analysis to meet the specific needs of its customers. Our experts are at your disposal throughout the analysis cycle, to provide you with the best possible support, right up to the delivery of results. Our experts can also suggest sustainable corrective alternatives.

FILAB can also train your teams in the TGA technique.

Other laboratory thermal analysis

Py-GCMS analysis

DSC analysis (Differential Scanning Calorimetry)


How does thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) work?

L’ATG consiste à chauffer progressivement un échantillon dans un environnement contrôlé tout en mesurant avec précision sa perte de masse. Cette évolution de masse, due notamment à l’évaporation ou à la décomposition du composé, permet d’établir des corrélations avec la température et d’en déduire la PVS par modélisation (par exemple via la loi de Clausius-Clapeyron).

In which industrial sectors can this method be used?

PSV measurement by TGA is particularly useful in a wide variety of sectors, including cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, materials formulation and chemistry. It helps meet regulatory requirements, optimize formulations and guarantee process safety.

How can TGA results be interpreted?

ATG results, usually represented as mass loss versus temperature curves, require expert interpretation. Using mathematical models, it is possible to extract precise information on the compound's volatility and determine its PVS. This interpretation stage is crucial for tailoring solutions to specific customer needs.

What technical resources are used to carry out this analysis?

At the filab laboratory, we have access to the latest generation of ATG equipment, capable of ensuring precise and reliable measurements. Our facilities can also be coupled with FTIR or MS systems, enhancing the characterization of volatile compounds.

The filab advantages
A highly qualified team
A highly qualified team
Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests
Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests
A COFRAC ISO 17025 accredited laboratory
A COFRAC ISO 17025 accredited laboratory
(Staves available on - Accreditation number: 1-1793)
A complete analytical park of 5,200m²
A complete analytical park of 5,200m²
Tailor-made support
Tailor-made support
Thomas GAUTIER Head of Materials Department
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