Training: Characterization of nanomaterials for laboratories

Do you want to train your teams in the characterization of nanomaterials?

What is a nanomaterial?

First of all, a nanomaterial is a material with special properties due to its size and its nanometric structure.

Moreover, nanomaterials are defined in the European Cosmetic Regulation, as an insoluble or bio-persistent material. It is intentionally manufactured and is characterized by one or more external dimensions, or internal structure, on a scale of 1 to 100 nm.

Why train to analyze nanomaterials?

The EC regulation N°1223/2009 requires that cosmetic products placed on the market are safe when applied under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use.

Thus, all cosmetic products are regulated and subject to rigorous testing and safety assessments. These tests are particularly so for products containing nanomaterials.

The requirements imposed on companies marketing cosmetic products focus on 3 aspects:

  • safety assessment
  • the conformity of the labeling, i.e. the mention [nano] in the list of ingredients
  • CPNP notification (Cosmetic Products Notification Portal) to be done 6 months before marketing

Therefore, training in the characterization of nanomaterials by an accredited laboratory can be an essential step before the marketing of your cosmetic products.

The FILAB laboratory trains you in the characterization of nanomaterials in your cosmetic products

As an accredited training organization, FILAB offers training for all, whatever your level, on the characterization of nanomaterials in your cosmetic products in the face of European requirements.

Thomas Gautier, expert in nanomaterials has a solid experience in nanomaterials characterization and particulate contamination analysis. Thomas joined FILAB in 2018, with the will to develop the skills of our laboratory around these themes. Thomas now coordinates the activities of the Materials Expertise department, and provides technical support in handling your requests for nanomaterials and nanoparticles analysis.

Training for...

  • Develop and validate analytical methods specific to nanomaterials

  • Train your teams (techniques and regulations related to nanomaterials)

  • Consult the nanomaterials regulation (EC Recommendation of 2011, cosmetic regulation EC n°1223/2009, INCO regulation n°1169/2011, R-Nano (2012-232, 02/2012)...)

  • Carry out bibliographic and regulatory studies on nanomaterials

  • Carry out container/content interaction tests

The positive aspects of FILAB

  • A highly qualified team

  • Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests

  • A complete analytical park of 2100m²

  • Tailor-made support

Thomas GAUTIER Head of Materials Department
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