Analysis and expertise laboratory


More than 120 people
More than 120 people at your service
5200 m² laboratory
5200 m² laboratory + 99% of services are provided in-house
Accredited laboratory
Accredited laboratory COFRAC ISO 17025
+2200 clients
+2200 clients in France and abroad

Certification and Quality Management

For several years now, FILAB has had a Quality and Safety Management System in place, enabling us to fully meet our customers' requirements (ISO CEI 17025 and ISO 9001 standards).

COFRAC ISO 17025 accreditation

The FILAB laboratory is accredited by COFRAC (Comité Français d'Accréditation) - Laboratories section - for its Chemistry, Metallurgy, Organic Chemistry, Chemistry Expertise, Materials Expertise and Environment departments in the following fields:
Physico-chemical analysis of metallic materials at fixed ranges
Physico-chemical analysis of cosmetic and pharmaceutical products in flexible reac
  • Analysis and determination of mineral elements including heavy metals by ICP-AES and ICP-MS in cosmetic and pharmaceutical products in accordance with European Pharmacopoeia 2.4.20 and USP 233
  • Identification of foreign bodies and/or contaminants by SEM-EDX and Binocular Micro-Infrared, in accordance with standards PE 2.9.52 and PE 2.2.54
  • Particle counting by Optical Microscopy and Image Analyser, in accordance with USP 788/789 and PE 2.9.19 5 (method 2)
  • Determination of organic contaminants at a target value by GC-MS and LC-UV
  • Characterisation of nanomaterials: size distribution and shape of nanoparticles by SEM-EDX, determination of nanoparticle size by SP-ICPMS
  • Specific surface analysis using BET
  • Particle size analysis by Laser Granulometer
Physico-chemical analysis of medical devices, medical equipment and chemical and biological products in flexible reach
  • Analysis and determination of Total Hydrocarbons (THC) in accordance with NF EN 9377-2 (NF S 94-091)
  • Analysis of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) in accordance with standard NF EN 1484 (NF S 94-091).
  • Particle counting by Optical Microscope in accordance with current standards: ISO 19227, ISO 10993-19, USP 788, PE 2.9.19, AAMI TIR 42.
  • Particle identification by SEM-EDX and µ-IRTF in accordance with current standards: ISO 10993-19, PE 2.9.52, PE 2.2.24, AAMI TIR 42
  • Analysis of ionic compounds by CLI in accordance with ISO 19227 and ISO 10993-18
  • Analysis of mineral residues by ICP in accordance with ISO 10993-18
  • Analysis of organic residues by GC and LC in accordance with ISO 10993-18
  • Gravimetric completeness
Detailed scopes available at - Accreditation no.: 1-1793

Customer Qualification


Several years ago, FILAB was awarded Laboratory Qualification by the SAFRAN group under procedures GRP-0087 and GRM-0123. This qualification is regularly renewed following audits carried out by Safran on our premises.



In 2020, the FILAB laboratory obtained supplier approval from FRAMATOME and is now on the AVL (Approved Vendor List).


PMUC approval by EDF

The FILAB laboratory is approved by EDF to carry out the analyses required for PMUC approval. FILAB has been accredited for many years for chemical analyses of halogens and sulphur, and its accreditation was recently extended to include specific analyses of products in the 021 family (ion exchange resins and conditioning products).



In March 2025, the FILAB laboratory obtained DASSAULT AVIATION approval. This approval makes FILAB a reliable partner for aerospace manufacturers.

Research Tax Credit (CIR) approval

FILAB's Research Tax Credit accreditation has been renewed by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research until 2026. This approval allows some of our clients developing R&D activities to deduct certain services entrusted to FILAB.

Training organisation

FILAB is registered as a training organisation and as such can offer training services within the scope of your training budget.

FDA registration Cosmetics sector

The FILAB laboratory is registered with the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the US federal agency responsible for protecting and promoting public health.

FDA registration Pharmaceutical sector

The FILAB laboratory is registered with the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the US federal agency responsible for protecting and promoting public health.