Laboratory for total sulfur analysis in rubber according to ISO 19242

As a manufacturer, you want to carry out an analysis of total sulfur in rubbers in accordance with ISO 19242

What ISO 19242 says

ISO 19242:2021 specifies a method for determining the total sulfur content of raw rubber and unvulcanized or vulcanized rubber compounds by ion chromatography. . 

Why carry out an ISO 19242 analysis ?

Analysis of total sulfur in rubber to ISO 19242 guarantees accurate and reliable results, essential for regulatory compliance, manufacturing process optimization and quality assurance. Adopting this standard reduces the risk of errors and reinforces the credibility of your products with customers and industrial partners. Indeed, many industrial sectors are subject to strict regulations concerning the materials they use. An ISO 19242 compliance analysis ensures that manufactured products meet legal and normative requirements.

FILAB can support you in the analysis of total sulfur in rubber to ISO 19242

Why choose FILAB for ISO 19242 analysis ?

Whatever your industrial sector (Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics…) or the application of your products, FILAB’s expertise and services in total sulfur analysis in rubbers to ISO 19242 will help you better understand the properties of your rubbers.

Through our three levels of services – analysis, expertise and R&D support – FILAB assists companies of all sectors and sizes in solving their industrial problems, by providing its customers with the know-how and experience of its team.

Our technical resources for ISO 19242 analysis ?

iso 19242

Using ion chromatography after sample preparation (combustion) guarantees high precision, essential for comparative analyses and to meet quality control requirements.

our other technical resources for total sulfur analysis

The positive aspects of FILAB

  • A highly qualified team

  • Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests

  • A complete analytical park of 2100m²

  • Tailor-made support

Anaïs DECAUX Customer Support Manager
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