REACH substance identification in a laboratory

Your needs : to characterize the chemical composition of your substances as part of the REACH registration process

REMINDER : REACH is a European regulation which requires that producers or importers of chemical substances, including mixtures register their substances with the ECHA (European CHemical Agency) if they produce/import more than one metric ton of said substances per year.

As part of this regulation, industrialists need to inspect and precisely characterize their substances to ensure that they comply with standards in order to be registered.

Any given substance must have a chemical name, a number and in the case of mixtures, their composition must be given (components + amounts). The quality of the data provided will influence the time it takes to add the substance to either the authorization or restriction list.

 Before filling a REACH registration request, you are looking to cooperate with an analytical laboratory to identify and name your substances…

Our solution : to provide you with our reliable, diverse and precise analytical techniques making it possible to quickly identify the chemical nature of a substance or of a mixture

Relying on a cutting edge-analytical fleet spread over 2100m² and a team of experts in chemistry and materials science, FILAB laboratory is able to assist you in obtaining REACH registration by providing analysis and identification services for all kinds of substances :

To carry out these tests on all kinds of matrices, FILAB uses a diverse set of analytical techniques :

If you wish to know more about our substance identification services, feel free to contact us !

REACH is a European regulation which came into effect in 2007 to secure the manufacture and use of chemical substances in the pharmaceutical industry. In order to comply with the regulations set by the REACH registration process, substance identification is a crucial step.

Indeed, the registration process relies heavily on REACH analysis, and therefore on substance identification offered by a REACH laboratory.

A substance identification lab handles a procedure involving detailed chemical analysis, which enables the identification of the exact composition of a substance. It is required to accurately characterize each component and provide reliable data on their hazards.

The chemical industry is well-versed in the importance of calling a substance identification lab as it ensures the safe handling and use of chemicals by all users and helps establish an appropriate risk management strategy.

A REACH laboratory provides a range of services to support companies in their REACH registration process. FILAB is capable of planning this test, in accordance with REACH chemical testing requirements.These services include testing, advice, and support to help companies comply with the complex and ever-changing REACH regulations. 

A REACH analysis laboratory conducts tests to determine the chemical composition and potential hazards of products, and advises on the appropriate use of chemicals in line with REACH regulations. They also offer support in preparing and submitting REACH dossiers, and ensuring compliance with the latest updates and changes in the REACH registration process.

The use of nanomaterials is rapidly growing, offering numerous innovative applications, especially in the industrial sector. There are a large number of products with nanomaterials available on the European market, such as coatings, batteries, cosmetics, food products, antibacterial clothing, or textiles.

The regulation of REACH nanomaterials is an essential component of the REACH registration 

process. It is a comprehensive framework that covers all aspects of nanomaterials as the properties, uses, and their potential impact on human health and the environment. The regulation requires companies to identify the nanomaterials in their products and register them with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).

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