Laboratory performance audits in accordance with the ISO 17025 standard

Your needs : to optimize the performance of your internal laboratories

You are looking for an external laboratory able to provide services and assistance in  improving your internal laboratory’s processes and optimizing its performance.

Our solution : to perform an onsite performance audit

A performance audit carried out by FILAB laboratory :

In order to effectively meet your need for a performance audit of your internal laboratory, we travel directly to your site to first study your working environment. This allows us to assess your situation and to understand the objectives you are looking to achieve.

After this initial process, our engineers and doctors plan out a support program tailored to suit your situation in order to provide reliable and sustainable solutions to improve the performance of your laboratory.

Following this preliminary theoretical work, we are at your disposal for the implementation of our recommendations directly on your site. Consequently, a performance audit of your laboratory includes the following services :

  • Onsite audit
  • Drafting of a scope statement prior to any investments
  • Assistance in choosing technical investments
  • Development and validation of analytical methods
  • Consulting and assistance during the implementation process
  • Team training relative to the proposed analytical techniques

Pourquoi choisir le laboratoire FILAB pour l’audit de performance de votre laboratoire ?

Le laboratoire FILAB dispose des meilleures conditions pour la réalisation d’audit de performance laboratoire. En effet, outre les compétences indiscutables de nos doctorants et ingénieurs, ultra qualifiés quant à ces problématiques de performances, nous sommes également accrédités COFRAC ISO 17025, agréé Organisme de Formation et agréé Crédit Impôt Recherche (CIR). Ainsi, toutes les conditions sont réunies pour vous offrir la meilleure prestation de service possible dans des délais courts et à des tarifs concurrentiels.

The positive aspects of FILAB

  • A highly qualified team

  • Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests

  • A complete analytical park of 2100m²

  • Tailor-made support

Thomas ROUSSEAU Scientific and Technical Director
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