Laboratory analysis of quaternary ammoniums: BAC, ADBAC and DDAC

As a manufacturer, you would like to carry out an analysis of the quaternary ammoniums BAC, ADBAC and DDAC present in your products.

Quaternary ammoniums in a nutshell

A quaternary ammonium (also known as “quats” or “quaternary ammonium compounds” ) is a type of chemical compound derived from ammonia (NH₃) where the four hydrogens on the nitrogen atom have been replaced by organic groups (alkyl or aryl).

Quaternary ammoniums are versatile compounds used primarily for their antimicrobial properties in a variety of industrial and domestic applications. Considered safe at concentrations used in consumer products, they can cause skin and eye irritation at higher concentrations. It is important for manufacturers to analyse these ammoniums to ensure that they are harmless.

The different types of quaternary ammoniums


Benzalkonium chloride (BAC ) is an organic compound in the quaternary ammonium family. It is used as a disinfectant, biocide and preservative in a variety of industrial and domestic applications.


Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride (ADBAC) is a specific type of benzalkonium chloride where the alkyl is more precisely defined, often with a C12-C16 alkyl chain.


Didecyldimethylammonium chloride (DDAC) is another type of quaternary ammonium compound with two decyl (C10) chains.

Although all three are quaternary ammoniums used for similar applications, their alkyl chains and specific structures vary slightly, giving them slightly different properties. They are often used together to provide synergistic antimicrobial action and broaden their spectrum of efficacy.

Why analyse the quaternary ammoniums BAC, ADBAC and DDAC in your products?

The analysis of these quarternary ammoniums is essential to ensure product safety, regulatory compliance and efficacy. These analyses make it possible to check that the concentrations of BAC, ADBAC and DDAC comply with standards, guarantee the quality of formulations, protect the environment and detect any contamination. By carrying out these checks, manufacturers ensure that their products are safe, effective and comply with current regulations.

The FILAB laboratory can help you analyse quaternary ammoniums: BAC, ADBAC and DDAC

Why choose FILAB for your quaternary ammonium analyses: BAC, ADBAC and DDAC?

For more than 30 years, the FILAB laboratory has had the experience and specific analytical equipment to help industrial companies analyse the BACs, ABACs and DDACs present in their products through tailor-made support.

Our BAC and DDAC analysis services

  • Determination of DDAC, ADBAC and BAC in a biocidal product

  • Search for traces of BAC, ADBAC and DDAC

our technical resources

The positive aspects of FILAB

  • A highly qualified team

  • Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests

  • A complete analytical park of 2100m²

  • Tailor-made support

Caroline KURZAWA
Caroline KURZAWA R&D Project Engineer
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