Analysis and expertise laboratory

Analysis of particulate contaminants according to ISO 19227

More than 120 people
More than 120 people at your service
5200 m² laboratory
5200 m² laboratory + 99% of services are provided in-house
Accredited laboratory
Accredited laboratory COFRAC ISO 17025

Actors of the Medical Devices sector, you wish to analyze the particulate contaminants in your products according to the ISO 19227 standard

What is a particulate contaminant?

Particulate contamination is an inert, immobile, insoluble substance that is unintentionally present in the finished product. There are several types of contamination according to their :

  • nature
  • origin
  • size, etc…

In addition, particulate contamination can appear at different stages including during manufacture, transport or storage.

Why analyze your medical devices according to ISO 19227?

When medical devices are put on the market, it is necessary to verify that they do not contain impurities that could be released into the human body after implantation.

Indeed, particulate contamination presents risks for the quality of medical devices and for human health.

Therefore, controlling the presence or absence of particulate contaminants and/or determining a level of particulate contamination is one of the key steps in a process.

It is mandatory for the release of batches on the market, according to strict standards. 

FILAB supports you in the analysis of your medical devices according to the 19227 standard

FILAB laboratory offers a wide range of services thanks to its state-of-the-art analytical equipment and varied internal skills.

Some of these services are performed under COFRAC ISO 17025 accreditation (, using validated and documented methods, thus helping you to bring your activities into compliance with the requirements of ISO 19227.

The filab advantages
A highly qualified team
A highly qualified team
Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests
Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests
A COFRAC ISO 17025 accredited laboratory
A COFRAC ISO 17025 accredited laboratory
(Staves available on - Accreditation number: 1-1793)
A complete analytical park of 5,200m²
A complete analytical park of 5,200m²
Tailor-made support
Tailor-made support
Anaïs DECAUX Customer Support Manager
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