Laboratory analysis using Laser Granulometry
Your needs: analyse the granulometry of a powder, grain or particle using a laser granulometer
What does laser particle size analysis involve?
- Measure the size of particles present in a sample to understand their nature.
- Measure the quality and conformity of powders used in a wide range of sectors (chemicals, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, etc.), particularly in additive manufacturing.
This type of analysis can be carried out by laser granulometry (liquid or dry method), by sieving or by sedimentation.
Our solution : to study the particle size distribution of samples using laser granulometry
Why call on FILAB for laser particle size analysis?
To meet rapidly growing needs, FILAB now has a laser particle size analyser that can determine the particle size distribution of powders by dry or liquid means, for a size range extending from 10nm to 3mm.
FILAB can offer you its expertise in particle size analysis in a highly responsive manner, and can assist you with your analysis or expert appraisal requirements:
our laser particle size analysis services
Particle size analysis using laser granulometry (particle size distribution curve, determination of D50, etc.)
Porosity and permeability studies by pycnometry Helium He, porosity Mercury Hg...
Our particle size analysis services
Find out more about Laser Particle Size Analysis
When a laser beam passes through a sample containing particles, the light is scattered in different directions. The angle and intensity of the scattered light vary according to the size of the particles. By analysing these scattering patterns, it is possible to calculate the particle size distribution.
The laser granulometer analysis technique can be used to characterise mineral, organic and metallic powders used in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, chemical, ceramic and metallurgical (additive manufacturing) applications, while complying with standards such as ISO 13320.
L'analyse granulométrique est une méthode utilisée pour mesurer et caractériser les particules en termes de taille, de forme, de surface, de porosité et d'autres caractéristiques physiques. Elle permet d'identifier les types de matériaux ou de particules présents dans un échantillon et d'évaluer la manière dont ils interagissent les uns avec les autres. Ces informations peuvent être utilisées à diverses fins, notamment pour garantir la sécurité des produits et le contrôle de la qualité, pour mettre au point des procédés industriels utilisant la technologie des particules pour mélanger, séparer ou enrober des matériaux, ou pour étudier le comportement des systèmes particulaires. L'analyse de la taille des particules peut également permettre de comprendre comment différentes particules peuvent affecter les performances de filtration ou comment deux poudres différentes peuvent se mélanger. L'analyse granulométrique peut être utilisée pour mesurer les taux de sédimentation et différencier les différentes tailles de particules avant de les soumettre à d'autres analyses.
Particle size analysis by sieving is a physical process that uses sieves to separate particles according to their size. Particles are poured onto a sieve and the sieve is gently shaken, allowing the smaller particles to pass through while the larger particles remain on top. This method works well for measuring the size of small particles, but is not practical for larger particles.
Particle size analysis by sedimentation uses centrifugal force to separate particles according to their specific gravity. Samples are placed in a centrifuge and spun at high speed until the heaviest particles settle to the bottom of the tube or container. This method is more accurate for large particles than sieving, as it separates them according to their actual weight rather than just their size.
Particle size analysis (particle size analysis) is widely used in a variety of industries, including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, cosmetics, food processing, agriculture and petrochemical production. Pharmaceutical companies use particle size analysis to guarantee the quality of their products by determining the particle size distribution of the active ingredients in tablets or capsules. The food industry uses particle size analysis to measure the particle size distribution of cereals or flour for cooking purposes. Particle size analysis can be used in agriculture to monitor soil erosion and sedimentation rates. Petrochemical companies can also use particle size analysis to study the emulsification or dispersion behaviour of their products.