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UVCB substance analysis under REACH
Call on the FILAB laboratory for your UVCB substance analysis needs in the context of REACH. A question? contact@filab.fr
What is a UVCB substance?
The term “UVCB substance” stands for “Substances of Unknown or Variable Composition, Complex Reaction Products and Biological Materials“.
A UVCB substance is a substance of unknown composition resulting from complex reactions or biological materials.
Why conduct a UVCB substance analysis?
The REACH registration process requires the submission of an application dossier to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) detailing the identity of the substance.
The identification of the substance in question is fundamental as it will determine the rest of the registration process.
It is therefore necessary to call upon a competent laboratory to analyse your UVCB substances in order to comply with the European REACH regulation.
FILAB laboratory supports you in your UVCB analysis needs
FILAB has a 2100m² analytical park and a qualified team. It assists manufacturers of all sectors and sizes in the analysis of UVCB substances. Thanks to its high level of in-house expertise and tailor-made support, FILAB can offer you solutions tailored to your needs.
- Analysis of substances of SVHC concern under REACH
Sameness analysis between two substances
The positive aspects of FILAB
A highly qualified team
Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests
A complete analytical park of 2100m²
Tailor-made support