Analysis and expertise laboratory

Laboratory expertise of metallic materials

More than 120 people
More than 120 people at your service
5200 m² laboratory
5200 m² laboratory + 99% of services are provided in-house

Are you looking to cooperate with a specialized laboratory to perform an expertise of your metallic materials ?

From the designing process to a product’s final use, your main challenges are to control the risks of your product degrading or of defects appearing and to ensure that your metallic materials comply with standards by doing the following :

  • Using the right metallic material
  • Evaluating the lifespan of metallic materials and predicting their behavior in various situations (simulations, accelerated aging tests…)
  • Guaranteeing the quality and safety of metallic materials
  • Reviewing legal standards regarding the metallic materials being used

The support and experience of an expert laboratory will allow you to precisely understand the causes of defects and to find remedial procedures to adapt your production process.

Our expertise services for metallic materials

FILAB laboratory provides analytical and expertise services to characterize any defects found on your materials, and then to find the causes of said defects (root cause analysis)

Thanks to a cutting-edge analytical fleet and extensive experience in dealing with defective metallic industrial materials, our experts here at FILAB, material expert laboratory will assist you with your production (rupture, corrosion, adhesion…) or wear problems by providing the following services :

Our analytical fleet dedicated to metallurgical expertise :

How to contact us

For any information about our expertise services for metallic parts, feel free to contact us via email at or over the phone by calling +33 (0)3 80 52 32 05

The filab advantages
A highly qualified team
A highly qualified team
Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests
Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests
A COFRAC ISO 17025 accredited laboratory
A COFRAC ISO 17025 accredited laboratory
(Staves available on - Accreditation number: 1-1793)
A complete analytical park of 5,200m²
A complete analytical park of 5,200m²
Tailor-made support
Tailor-made support
Anaïs DECAUX Customer Support Manager
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