Sieve analysis laboratory

Characterisation of materials Problem solving Handling your samples without delay
More than 120 people
More than 120 people at your service
5500 m² laboratory
5500 m² laboratory + 99% of services are provided in-house

Your needs: analyse the particle size of a granular material

What does sieve analysis involve?

Sieve analysis is used to :

  • Measure the size of particles present in a sample to understand their nature.
  • Measure the quality and conformity of powders or granules used in a wide range of sectors (chemicals, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, etc.), particularly in additive manufacturing.

This type of analysis can also be carried out by laser granulometry (liquid or dry method) or by sedimentation.

analyse par tamisage

How sieve analysis works

Particle size analysis by sieving involves passing a sample of material through a series of sieves with different mesh sizes, classified by decreasing size. Each sieve retains particles larger than its openings, while allowing smaller particles to pass through. By weighing the amount of material retained by each sieve, we can determine the particle size distribution of the sample.

Granulometry by sieving to define particle size

 Particle size influences material properties such as flow and transport for bulk materials, chemical reactivity, abrasiveness, solubility, extraction and reaction behaviour, and compressibility.

Accurate particle size determination is therefore essential for a wide range of industries, including construction, plastics, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

In these sectors, the right particle size enables process engineering to be optimised, ensuring more efficient and cost-effective production. It also guarantees the quality and safety of the end products, meeting strict standards and consumer expectations.

In industry, poor granulometry control can lead to product performance problems, inefficiencies in manufacturing processes and increased safety and environmental risks.

Why carry out a sieve test?

Performing a laboratory sieve test on particulate materials enables the particle size distribution to be determined, which is essential for guaranteeing the quality and compliance with standards of materials used in various industries, such as construction, pharmaceuticals and food.

This ensures batch homogeneity, optimises production processes and the quality of finished products, and contributes to the research and development of new products. In addition, knowledge of particle size helps to manage the environmental impact and safety risks associated with handling these materials.

Our solutions: study particle size distribution using granulometric sieve analysis

FILAB offers you a highly responsive range of expertise in materials characterisation and particle size distribution using sieve analysis. By referring to current standards, we ensure reliable results that comply with industrial standards, thereby optimising the quality, performance and safety of products in various sectors such as construction, plastics, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

Our sieve analysis services

Example of the application of sieve analysis in the laboratory

 Particle size analysis by sieving serves a number of essential purposes in various industrial contexts. Determining the particle size distribution of a material provides an understanding of its composition and properties.

  • Quality and Conformity: checking that materials comply with specifications and industrial standards, thereby guaranteeing their suitability for specific applications.
  • Batch Consistency Control: Ensuring the consistency and uniformity of batches of materials, which is crucial to maintaining the quality of finished products.
  • Optimisation of production processes: Adjusting production parameters to improve efficiency and profitability based on the particle size of materials.
  • Study of Reactivity and Solubility: Analyse particle size to influence the rate of chemical reaction, solubility and other physico-chemical behaviour of materials.
  • Abrasivity and compressibility control: Assess the impact of particle size on the mechanical properties of materials, such as their abrasivity and compressibility, for specific applications.
  • Risk prevention: Identify and manage the risks associated with handling particulate materials, such as dust explosions or environmental problems.
  • Research and Development: Helping to design and optimise new materials and products by providing accurate particle size data.

Our particle size analysis services


Quels types de matériaux peuvent être analysés par tamisage ?

Le tamisage est applicable à une grande variété de matériaux solides, allant des agrégats grossiers utilisés dans la construction aux poudres fines dans les industries pharmaceutique, alimentaire et chimique. Cependant, il est le plus efficace pour les particules dont la taille varie de 75 micromètres (µm) à plusieurs centimètres.

Comment choisir les tamis appropriés pour une analyse ?

Le choix des tamis dépend de la distribution de taille des particules attendue de l'échantillon. Une série standard de tamis, avec des ouvertures de mailles décroissantes, est généralement utilisée pour couvrir la gamme de tailles attendues. Les normes ISO 3310 et ASTM E11 fournissent des spécifications pour les tamis de contrôle en fonction des besoins de l'analyse.

Comment les résultats de l'analyse par tamisage sont-ils interprétés ?

Les résultats sont généralement présentés sous forme de distribution granulométrique, montrant le pourcentage de l'échantillon total qui se trouve dans chaque fraction de taille. Cela permet d'obtenir des informations sur la variété de tailles des particules présentes dans l'échantillon et de calculer des paramètres tels que la moyenne, la médiane, et la mode de la distribution des tailles. Ces données sont cruciales pour comprendre le comportement du matériau dans son application finale.

Quelles sont les normes pour l' analyse granulométrique par tamisage de matériaux en laboratoire ?

Les normes pour l'analyse granulométrique par tamisage de matériaux en laboratoire incluent notamment des directives d'ASTM, ISO, et NF. 

ASTM E11 et ASTM C136 spécifient les exigences pour les tamis et la méthode d'essai pour les agrégats. 

ISO 3310-1 et ISO 565 définissent les caractéristiques des tamis et les méthodes générales de tamisage. 

En France, les normes NF telles que NF P94-056 régissent l'analyse granulométrique des sols. 

Ces normes assurent la précision, la reproductibilité et la comparabilité des résultats pour diverses applications industrielles.

The filab advantages
A highly qualified team
A highly qualified team
Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests
Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests
A COFRAC ISO 17025 accredited laboratory
A COFRAC ISO 17025 accredited laboratory
(Staves available on - Accreditation number: 1-1793)
A complete analytical park of 5,500m².
A complete analytical park of 5,500m².
Tailor-made support
Tailor-made support
Anaïs DECAUX Customer Support Manager
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