Actors of the cosmetic field, you wish to analyse the NDELA in your products according to ISO 10130
What is ISO 10130?
NDELA (N-nitrosodiethanolamine) is a nitrosamine.
Comprising a large number of molecules, nitrosamines are products essentially composed of nitrogen and oxygen. Found in many fields, they have been identified in the manufacture of cosmetic products.
Thus, ISO 10130 is a regulation that describes the method for the detection and quantification of N-nitrosodiethanolamine (NDELA) in cosmetics and raw materials used in cosmetics.
Why analyse NDELA in your cosmetic products according to ISO 10130?
Cosmetic products containing nitrosamines including NDELA are prohibited by the Cosmetics Directive and its Annex III refers to the 50 μg/kg limit for nitrosamines.
When the limit values are exceeded, cosmetics containing NDELA are notified by the Member State (MS) authorities to RAPEX, as concentrations exceeding the limits are considered to pose a risk to human health.
Therefore, the support of a laboratory specialised in the analysis of nitrosamines, in particular NDELA, is an important asset for the marketing of your cosmetic products.
FILAB supports you in the analysis of NDELA according to ISO 10130
In order to support cosmetics manufacturers in the development and quality control of their products, by following regulatory changes, the laboratory provides a state-of-the-art analytical facility, allowing the determination of nitrosamines and their precursors in trace amounts, in all types of matrices.
In addition, NDELA analysis are carried out by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with post-column photolysis and derivatisation.