Cosmetic regulation CE n°1223-2009

Industrialists of the cosmetic sector, you wish to analyze the nanomaterials of your products according to the EC Regulation n°1223-2009

Particularly used as UV filters, pigments and matifiers, nanomaterials are regularly found in the compositions of cosmetic products. However, nanomaterials in cosmetics are regulated by the EC n°1223-2009.

What is the cosmetic regulation EC n°1223-2009?

The primary objective of the current regulations on nanomaterials is to ensure the traceability of nanomaterial substances. 

The Cosmetic Regulation EC n°1223-2009 is a text that establishes rules that must be met by any product made available on the European market. The EC n°1223/2009 makes mandatory the [nano] labeling of ingredients present in a nanoparticulate state in their ingredients.

Why analyze your cosmetic products according to the EC regulation n°1223-2009?

The analysis of your cosmetic products according to the EC regulation n°1223-2009 is a mandatory step to check the conformity of your products. The EC regulation n°1223-2009 allows to study the toxicity and to ensure the safety of consumers. 

Indeed, the provisions of this regulation aim to ensure the protection of human health and consumer information by monitoring the composition and labeling of products and considering the latest technological developments, including the use of nanomaterials.

Thus, the support of a laboratory specialized in the analysis of nanomaterials in cosmetics according to the EC regulation n°1223-2009 is a major asset in the marketing of your products.

FILAB supports you in the analysis of nanomaterials in your cosmetic products according to the EC regulation n°1223-2009

Faced with these strategic challenges, FILAB and its regulatory and scientific experts in Nanomaterials help you analyze nanomaterials in your cosmetic products according to EC regulation n°1223-2009.

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The positive aspects of FILAB

  • A highly qualified team

  • Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests

  • A complete analytical park of 2100m²

  • Tailor-made support

Thomas GAUTIER Head of Materials Department
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