Analysis by LC-Orbitrap mass spectrometry in the laboratory
You need analysis by Orbitrap mass spectrometry
What is Orbitrap mass spectrometry?
Firstly, Orbitrap mass spectrometry allows the trapping of ions by an electrostatic field. These ions have a variable axial oscillation frequency depending on their mass to charge ratio, which allows them to be separated.
The Orbitrap consists of a central electrode and a cylindrical outer electrode. The central electrode, coaxial with the inner axis, traps the ions in an orbital motion and a mass spectrum can then be generated from the detector which converts the induced current image of the trapped ions into a frequency spectrum using the Fourier transform.
Therefore, Orbitrap mass spectrometry offers quantitative mass spectrometry coupled to liquid chromatography (LC-MS) with high mass resolution and accuracy (HRAM).
Our solutions: combining mass spectrometry with other analytical tools to provide you with reliable and accurate results
The FILAB laboratory is equipped with an analytical park of 2100 m² and can rely on other analytical techniques to offer you a wide range of analysis. It is thus able to provide you with complete and reliable results, but also with a better detection quality.
These analytical techniques allow us to perform the following services: