FIB-TOF-SIMS analysis laboratory

Chemical analysis Characterization of materials Problem solving
More than 120 people
More than 120 people at your service
5200 m² laboratory
5200 m² laboratory + 99% of services are provided in-house
Accredited laboratory
Accredited laboratory COFRAC ISO 17025

Your needs: characterize the extreme surface chemical composition of a sample using FIB-TOF-SIMS analyses


Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) is an imaging and analysis technique that provides elemental and molecular information on the species present at the extreme surface of solid-state samples.

In short, it provides information on the chemical composition, spatial distribution of elements and chemical bonds in the sample.

This technique can be applied to a wide variety of materials, including polymers, metallic materials, ceramics, and composite materials, without the need for complex sample preparation.

Le FIB (Focused Ion Beam): utilise un faisceau d’ions focalisé pour enlever la matière de la surface des échantillons et créer des coupes transversales dans l’échantillon. 

Le FIB-TOF-SIMS est une technique puissante et polyvalente pour l’analyse des matériaux, offrant des capacités uniques en termes de résolution, sensibilité et analyse tridimensionnelle. Il joue un rôle crucial dans l’assurance de la qualité et de la sécurité des produits, ainsi que dans la recherche et le développement de nouveaux matériaux.

Why carry out a FIB-TOF-SIMS analysis in the laboratory?

FIB TOF SIMS analysis is particularly valued for its ability to provide detailed information on the chemical composition both at the surface and at the depth of materials (down to 1nm) using cross-sections.

Not only does it allow the surface to be examined to identify the elements and molecules present, it also allows depth profiles to be produced by progressively removing layers, revealing compositional variations at different levels. What sets this technique apart is its ability to identify the molecular structure of compounds.

This dual capacity for analysis – spatial and molecular– makesFIB-TOF-SIMS analysis essential for studying surfaces, studying interactions between materials, understanding the presence of corrosion,analysing coatings and many other applications.

Our solutions: offer TOF-SIMS analysis techniques specific to your requirements and deliver fast, reliable results.

Why choose FILAB?

The FILAB laboratory specialises in FIB-TOF-SIMS analysis, as part of the study of the chemical and molecular composition of material surfaces. Adapted to all industrial sectors, we combine expertise in extreme surface analysis and state-of-the-art technology with FIB TOF SIMS to provide accurate and reliable results, at the nanometric scale. Find out how our FIB-TOF-SIMS analyses can contribute to the success of your quality and innovation projects.

Our FIB TOF SIMS analysis services

L’analyse ou l’expertise par FIB ToF SIMS de la composition chimique élémentaire et moléculaire d’extrême surface d’un échantillon peut être mise en œuvre dans différents contextes :

Optimisation of a bonded assembly (characterization of surface chemical functions)
Identification of pollution or deposits on the surface of a material
Checking the surface function of a product to improve its performance in terms of adhesion, mechanical bonding, etc.
Feasibility study
Comparative study
Atomic and molecular identification (0 to 10,000 amu)
Detection of all elements down to ppm
Qualitative analysis
Isotope analysis

Example of matrices

The filab advantages
A highly qualified team
A highly qualified team
Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests
Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests
A COFRAC ISO 17025 accredited laboratory
A COFRAC ISO 17025 accredited laboratory
(Staves available on - Accreditation number: 1-1793)
A complete analytical park of 5,200m²
A complete analytical park of 5,200m²
Tailor-made support
Tailor-made support
Anaïs DECAUX Customer Support Manager
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