SEM-EDS analysis laboratory

Analyses chimiques
More than 120 people
More than 120 people at your service
5200 m² laboratory
5200 m² laboratory + 99% of services are provided in-house

What is Scanning Electron Microscopy EDS (SEM-EDS) ?

SEM-EDS Scanning Electron Microscopy is a laboratory microscopic analysis technique using a Field Emission Gun (FEG). This technique produces very high-resolution images of the surface of a sample (magnification on the order of *1000000). It is used to study the chemical composition and morphology of solid materials. The FILAB laboratory specializes in SEM-EDS expertise.

SEM-EDS expertise: what are we talking about ?

The FILAB laboratory is equipped with not one, but 2 SEMs! Both are additionally coupled with EDS probes for extremely precise analysis of your materials. These SEM-EDS techniques, with columnar signal detection 20 times more intense than that of a conventional Scanning Electron Microscope, enable the FILAB laboratory to carry out high value-added analyses. In fact, we obtain sharp images for non-destructive, accurate and much faster investigative observations and analyses.

When does FILAB use the SEM-EDS technique ?

meb edx

Today, FILAB is one of the first laboratories in France to equip itself with 2 Zeiss SEM-EDS techniques, model GEMINI SEM. This SEM microscopic analysis tool is particularly powerful and efficient for rapid diagnostics (pollution, inclusion…) or more complex appraisals.

In the FILAB laboratory, SEM-EDS is the primary diagnostic tool. That’s why we’ve chosen to include :

A FEG-SEM coupled with an EDS probe for materials failure assessment (metals, polymers, ceramics, glass...) and R&D.

A Tungsten SEM coupled with an EDS probe for identifying particles, contaminants, deposits and pollution.

our expertise in meb-eds

Identification of particles, contaminants and deposits

Nanometric characterization : FILAB is the first French laboratory to be COFRAC ISO 17025 accredited in this field.

surfaces analysis

What are the industrial sectors in which SEM-EDS is used :

The SEM-EDS or SEM-FEG-EDS technique can be applied to all industrial fields, depending on the results required:

analyse meb edx
The filab advantages
A highly qualified team
A highly qualified team
Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests
Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests
A COFRAC ISO 17025 accredited laboratory
A COFRAC ISO 17025 accredited laboratory
(Staves available on - Accreditation number: 1-1793)
A complete analytical park of 5,200m²
A complete analytical park of 5,200m²
Tailor-made support
Tailor-made support
Anaïs DECAUX Customer Support Manager
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