Physico-chemical testing laboratory

You want to check the compliance of your products with regulatory requirements through physico-chemical analysis.

analyse chimique industrielle

Whatever your sector of activity, you are subject to strong and changing regulatory constraints. Physico-chemical tests in laboratory enables you to study the characteristics of your products or materials in order to validate their conformity and performance. Even before they are put on the market.

These chemical analysis call on specific protocols and analysis tools to determine the intrinsic properties of product components. The FILAB laboratory supports industrial companies in understanding the physico-chemical phenomena of their chemicals and materials.

In fact, the support of a laboratory with state-of-the-art analytical equipment is essential for carrying out physico-chemical tests in the laboratory.

The FILAB laboratory provides its customers with a wide range of technical resources for physico-chemical testing of all types of products.

Why can FILAB help you with your physico-chemical tests?

For over 30 years, the FILAB laboratory has been supporting manufacturers in all sectors in the analysis and control of their products. Thanks to its dual expertise in chemistry and materials, FILAB offers a wide range of physico-chemical and chemical analysis, including :

How can the FILAB laboratory help you with your physico-chemical analysis?

To this end, FILAB has a wide range of analytical equipment enabling it to carry out analysis on all types of matrix (organic, mineral, materials):


The use of a physico-chemical testing laboratory is essential for any organization that needs to understand the composition of its products. A physico-chemical analysis laboratory can provide a complete overview of a product's chemical and physical properties. Enabling the organization to make more informed decisions. This type of laboratory testing can be used in many processes. For example, quality control, research and development, safety compliance, etc. In addition, access to precise data on the composition of your products enables you to develop new formulations while guaranteeing safe use. Thanks to professional analysis by an experienced physicochemical tests laboratory, organizations can obtain reliable results. The aim is to help them make the right choices for their products.

FILAB offers a variety of methods for analyzing your sample. These include gas chromatography (GC), high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and spectroscopic techniques. Our experienced analytical chemists can also provide customized tests to customer specifications.

If you need reliable physico-chemical testing for your products, look no further: Filab is the solution to your problems.

Caroline KURZAWA
Caroline KURZAWA R&D Project Engineer
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