Molybdenum laboratory analysis

Do you want to analyse molybdenum in your materials?

What is Molybdenum?

First of all, molybdenum is a very hard transition metal that is white in colour when pure. It is particularly used as an alloying agent, electrodes and catalysts. In addition, molybdenum is used as a heating element in high-temperature vacuum or gas furnaces.

In addition, molybdenum can be added in small quantities to harden various metals such as steel, uranium metal and silicon.

Why analyse molybdenum in your metals?

Molybdenum analysis is the first step in characterising a failure such as breakage in your materials. If the molybdenum content in your materials is too low or too high, this will lead to deformation or breakage.

In addition, it allows you to better understand your materials and the limits of their use.

FILAB supports you in the analysis of molybdenum in your metals

FILAB, a laboratory of experts in metallurgical analysis and failure characterisation, offers analytical services from the design to the manufacture and implementation of a product with metallic components.

Thanks to its experience and its state-of-the-art analytical equipment, FILAB has a wide range of tools specific to the metallurgical sector, enabling it to provide the following services

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The positive aspects of FILAB

  • A highly qualified team

  • Responsiveness in responding to and processing requests

  • A complete analytical park of 2100m²

  • Tailor-made support

Emmanuel BUIRET
Emmanuel BUIRET Technical Sales Representative
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